Thursday, March 19, 2009

Survivor 17 - Gabon

After watching Season 1 of Survivor, I decided I would not watch the show any more. I figured I didn't really need to watch a TV show to find bad attitudes and backstabbing. I guess I lied. When a good friend of mine applied for the show and did not get on, I figured I had better become a fan in case she applied again and did get on.

I watched Season 15 and decided it wasn't as bad as it was that first season. I watched Season 16 and was so upset at the outcome when Parvoti won the million dollars, that I AGAIN swore I'd never watch another one. (I can't bring myself to watch American Idol either -- Simon is much too pompous for me.) It bothers me a lot to see people publicly humiliated. I can find that too if I just look around. So this brings me to Survivor 17 - Gabon...

When I'm making Roman shades, 75% of the work is hand stitching, which can become quite boring. I said ah, what the heck, I might as well watch Survivor 17. I know I'm a little late, but I just got done watching the reunion show.

Randy - I didn't like him at all. And Randy, it was NOT a million dollar cookie -- you never would have voted for Sugar even before the cookie episode. As bitter and angry as Randy is, I get the feeling he must have been cheated on by a woman and hasn't yet gotten over it. It was nice, though, to see he invited 6 strangers to the reunion show. Even if he only did it because he lost his best friend, his dog, and didn't have any friends of his own.

Corrine - If I could have jumped into the screen and personally strangled Corrine, I would have. She was pompous, arrogant and mean. I can see why she wouldn't have many friends. It looked to me like she was very jealous of Sugar (and with good reason I'd say).

Sugar - Generally speaking, I loved Sugar. I did not, however, like it when she could not stop laughing at Randy when he used the fake idol. It's that public humiliation thing. It looked to me like Sugar played an admirable game (aside from the cookie and laughing at the idol) and is probably able to live with the choices she made. I would like to know why noone voted for her. I did get the feeling the producers portrayed her differently than she really was. (I must admit, I did think the cookie thing was pretty funny.)

I have to wonder if Sugar had brought Corrine and Randy to the final three with her if she would have won. Did everyone there dislike them as much as I?

What did you think of Season 17?

...and here I am, addicted to Season 18.....

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