Monday, March 9, 2009

Cover of Oprah...

Happened to see a twitter message by Nandoism regarding the new Oprah magazine coming out this month. You can see it at or at Nandoism's website . Nandoism's blog is about Oprah sharing the cover. I think it is great that she decided to share the cover with our first lady.

I know I'm not a fashion queen, but I feel the need to comment. Michelle Obama looks absolutely stunning and classy! Oprah, however, hmmm ..... how shall I say it. The dress looks like a Donna-Reed-What-Can-I-Do-For-You-Honey Dress. It's not the most flattering clothing I've seen her wear. I know that type of dress is "in style", but we can't always trust those who set the standards! Oprah is a beautiful woman and I am dissapointed that it doesn't show on that cover.

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