Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Our President a smoker?

Okay, am I the only one who did not know that our President, was (maybe is) a smoker? According to Albert B. Southwick, in the Telegram, "Barack Obama, trying to quit cigarettes, admits to sneaking an occasional smoke." I don't know how I missed this, being a former smoker myself. Here's my big question....if Mr. Obama had openly smoked on the campaign trail, would he have been elected President?

And BTW, this is really old news. I found another post on ABC's blog that is dated June 10, 2008. This blog states that he had been "open about his smoking past". Still shaking my head that I missed this one!


TEAM 13 said...
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Nandoism™ said...

i was shocked too, but i discovered it a while back when he was running his campaign. there was a photo floating around with him and a ciggy in his mouth. but it's a well kept secret...make you go hmmmmm, right?

Lydia said...

Thanks for the comments...definitely makes me go hmmmmmm!!! AND I'm still shaking my head!

Anonymous said...

So he smokes . surely your not going to judge him on that.

Lydia said...

Anonymous, thanks for the comment. I would have to say that for a previous smoker to judge a smoker would be "living in a glass house" . I try not to judge people, but I am STILL shaking my head over this one. Would you have voted for him if he had openly smoked?