Friday, February 6, 2009

Dr. Oz on GMA

I just love Dr. Oz! I've only seen him a few times, but every time I see him he says stuff that just makes sense! If you didn't happen to catch him on Good Morning America yesterday, you really missed it. I don't know if I had previously missed his sense of humor, if he just developed a sense of humor or if what I saw yesterday was not intended to be funny, but boy did I laugh! I hadn't laughed that hard for quite some time!

He was talking to a group of men about health. He said, "You men have an advantage over women; you have a dipstick for health." There was enough of a pause that I said to myself, dipstick, hmmmm..... he can't be talking about a penis. Sure enough, he then said, "It's called your penis." I have to say, I was shocked to hear him say that, well...on Good Morning American anyway. He went on the explain that if the arteries were working properly in that area it should mean they are working properly every where else.

It gets better. He went on to measure a couple of the guys around the waist. He said our waists should be 1/2 the size of our height. While he was standing there after measuring the second man he said, "for every 35 pounds you lose, you gain one inch down here", as he took his tape measure and motioned as if he was measuring the guys penis. Then he said, "Because you can see it again." I chuckled off and on throughout the day as these images popped in and out!

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