Friday, February 5, 2010

Facebook - Please Check Your Profile

I guess it is just me, but I hate Facebook! No, it's not really Facebook I hate -- it's the things I see posted there. Personally, I'm only willing to share a certain amount of information with "friends," but I can see there are some who share EVERYTHING! I think everyone should check their settings to make sure they're not set up for "friends of friends" to see their information. Ooops...I better check mine! I think people post waaaaaayyyy too much information. Once I actually had to ask a friend to remove a post they made that degraded a thirteen-year-old's mother. I knew the thirteen-year-old was a "friend" and could see these unfavorable comments about his mother. It was very disturbing! If you are reading this, you probably have a Facebook account. Please be careful about what you post, keeping in mind that anyone in cyberland could be watching. You might also want to question whether or not it is a good idea to post where you're going. Maybe a better idea might be to post where you've been.

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