Thursday, June 4, 2009

Pet Peeve - Zucchini and Summer Squash

One of my pet peeves is hearing people say (especially when asking what is planted in our garden) zucchini and summer squash. "Did you plant zucchini and summer squash?" Zucchini IS a summer squash. I finally figured out why people call zucchini "zucchini" rather than "summer squash", when I was at the grocery store one day. The yellow "crook neck" or "straight neck" summer squash was marked "summer squash" while the zucchini was marked "zucchini".

We plant a summer squash blend that includes, crook neck, straight neck, zucchini and patty pan. It is fun to see what grows, but the yellow and zucchini are usually plentiful.

Summer squashes, in our area, are harvested and eaten in the summer. Winter squashes are harvested in the fall and will keep through part of the winter. Oh ya, and in case Andy Rooney happens to be reading this, yes, both summer and winter squashes are FRUITS not vegetables!

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