Sunday, April 3, 2011

Bob Parsons, CEO of Go Daddy, Shoots Elephant in Africa

By now this video of Mr. Bob Parsons, the CEO of Go Daddy, shooting an elephant in Zimbabwe has become quite popular. According to the ABC15 news reporter, “…this video has so many people outraged….” If you watch the video, it is mentioned that the "villagers butchered the elephant for its meat." What I absolutely hate, is hunters who hunt and do not eat their kill. Do people feel differently depending on what type of animal is killed? Would people be outraged if his proud kill was a 300-pound tuna?

Personally it does not thrill me to see ANY animal killed or butchered, and if I had to watch such a thing, I would definitely be a vegetarian. I think if elephants are truly overpopulated in Africa as Mr. Parsons states, they SHOULD be hunted. Would he have been able to obtain a permit if elephants were an endangered species in Zimbabwe? Overpopulation is one reason that we, here in the United States, have Fish and Game Departments – to control what is overrun and needs to be hunted. As I understand, Mr. Parsons did have a permit to shoot this elephant. If the meat of the elephant was not eaten, that would be an entirely different story. Would the reactions be the same if Mr. Parsons shot a deer or moose or are people only “outraged” because it is an elephant – an animal we like to visit at the zoo?

If you have ever taken a drive across Interstate 90 in Massachusetts or the Taconic in upper New York State you would know that area is overrun with deer. Every time I am in that vicinity, I wish there were less deer, and pray I don’t hit one with my car. Yes, deer are beautiful. I'm sure the people who hit them don't think they are so beautiful, especially when they get the bill from their auto body shop! It is a staggering amount of live ones and dead ones I see all over the sides of the highway.

Unfortunately for Mr. Parsons, he is a well-known CEO who, it appears, the media and PETA are trying to make into some sort of example. How many elephants have been shot in the past year in Africa and by whom? If John Doe shoots an elephant, does it make it into the media? What is your opinion? Are you outraged?

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