John Cochran - not everyone on the Internet hates you! Considering you were probably the next to go, I think you stayed in the game longer because of the bold move you made. I probably would have done the same thing had I been in your situation.
Honestly, I might just be in the minority, but I wanted Coach or Ozzy to win. Ozzy deserving the win by outplaying and Coach deserving the win by strategically outwitting/outlasting. What we see as TV viewers is, of course, much different than what actually happens on 'set'.
Lydia's Random Ramblings contains random thoughts about, well.... about almost anything....
Monday, December 19, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Cute Christmas Joke
I received this in my email and wanted to share:
A man in Phoenix calls his son in Annapolis two days before Christmas
The dad hangs up his phone, turns to his wife, smiles :-) and says,
“They're coming for Christmas. . . AND they are paying their own way.”
A man in Phoenix calls his son in Annapolis two days before Christmas
and says, “I hate to ruin your day, son, but I have to tell you that your mother and I are divorcing. 37 years of misery is enough!”
“Pop, what are you talking about?” the son screams.
“We can't stand the sight of each other any longer,” says the father. “We're sick of each other and I'm tired of talking about this, so
call your sister in Roanoke and tell her.”
Frantic, the son calls his sister who explodes on the phone.
“Like heck they're getting divorced,” she shouts, “I'll take care of
She immediately calls Phoenix and screams at her father, “You are
NOT getting D-i-v-o-r-c-e-d! Don't do a single thing until I get there.
I'm calling brother back and we'll both be there tomorrow. Until then, don't do a thing! DO YOU HEAR ME?’ and she hangs up.“Pop, what are you talking about?” the son screams.
“We can't stand the sight of each other any longer,” says the father. “We're sick of each other and I'm tired of talking about this, so
call your sister in Roanoke and tell her.”
Frantic, the son calls his sister who explodes on the phone.
“Like heck they're getting divorced,” she shouts, “I'll take care of
She immediately calls Phoenix and screams at her father, “You are
NOT getting D-i-v-o-r-c-e-d! Don't do a single thing until I get there.
The dad hangs up his phone, turns to his wife, smiles :-) and says,
“They're coming for Christmas. . . AND they are paying their own way.”
Monday, November 28, 2011
'Tis the Season!
Are you as bothered when you see Facebook posts, random emails, etc. promoting, "Say Merry Christmas," as if it is a crime to be tolerant of others' religions by saying, "Season's Greetings". As a Christian, it bothers me. Being Christian is, in itself, a good reason to be tolerant of other religions.
Sure, I say, "Merry Christmas," because that is what I am celebrating. Do I send a religious, Christian Christmas card to my aunt or friend who is Jewish? No! I carefully choose a card that does not contain a bible verse relating to Christ's birth; I choose a 'seasonal' card.
Would I be offended if someone wished me a Happy Chanukah? Most definitely not. But if they did, I would reply with, "Happy Chanukah to you and a Merry Christmas!"
The controversy surrounding 'Merry Christmas' will surely go on after I am gone, but maybe people will become more tolerant of others' religions in the years to come. That is what I want for Christmas this year!
Merry Christmas! Happy Chanukah! Happy Kwanzaa! I'm sure I've missed other celebrations that take place in December - my apologies to those who celebrate them! (And please feel free to add any I've missed in the 'comment' area.)
Sure, I say, "Merry Christmas," because that is what I am celebrating. Do I send a religious, Christian Christmas card to my aunt or friend who is Jewish? No! I carefully choose a card that does not contain a bible verse relating to Christ's birth; I choose a 'seasonal' card.
Would I be offended if someone wished me a Happy Chanukah? Most definitely not. But if they did, I would reply with, "Happy Chanukah to you and a Merry Christmas!"
The controversy surrounding 'Merry Christmas' will surely go on after I am gone, but maybe people will become more tolerant of others' religions in the years to come. That is what I want for Christmas this year!
Merry Christmas! Happy Chanukah! Happy Kwanzaa! I'm sure I've missed other celebrations that take place in December - my apologies to those who celebrate them! (And please feel free to add any I've missed in the 'comment' area.)
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Have You Seen Food Matters or Food, Inc.?
Food Matters and Food, Inc. are two of the most powerful movies about food that I have seen. Food Matters is a documentary about using food as medicine rather than pharmaceuticals. As Hippocrites, the father of medicine, said, "Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food." This documentary will change your view of pharmaceuticals and popping pills. As they said, "A pill for every ill." I found the statistics of pharmaceuticals versus vitamins very interesting.
Food, Inc., another documentary, is a film about how our food is grown and how the small, country-side farms have been replaced with Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs). I had heard about these but had never actually seen one. The one question I had after watching was, "And people think how we get veal is cruel?" If you don't want to change any of your eating habits, you might not want to watch this one. After watching this, I plan to completely change my eating habits and start supporting local farmers.
I only wish I had seen these many, many years ago. How different and healthier would I be now? If you have the chance, these films just might change your life and the life of your family.
Food, Inc., another documentary, is a film about how our food is grown and how the small, country-side farms have been replaced with Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs). I had heard about these but had never actually seen one. The one question I had after watching was, "And people think how we get veal is cruel?" If you don't want to change any of your eating habits, you might not want to watch this one. After watching this, I plan to completely change my eating habits and start supporting local farmers.
I only wish I had seen these many, many years ago. How different and healthier would I be now? If you have the chance, these films just might change your life and the life of your family.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Do you hear a 'buzzing' noise?
If you don't like bees, please do not watch this video. It reminds me of a nest I once had in my house, although mine was not of the honey-comb variety; it was a yellow jacket nest. When the windows were closed in the fall, I heard a buzzing noise, like leaves rustling. My exterminator said: 1. I had hundreds of yellow jackets in a nest above my bedroom. 2. Yellow jackets are mean and sting for no reason. 3. If they had made it into the house they most probably would have killed us. YIKES!!!!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
'On' Accident or 'By' Accident?
I grew up saying "by accident." Every time I hear my daughter say "on accident," I smile. I smile not only because it sounds funny to me, I smile because neither is correct. It seems to me, 'by accident' would mean 'beside the accident' and 'on accident' would mean 'on top of the accident.'
How about using accidentally - the adverb that describes something that did not happen purposely?
How about using accidentally - the adverb that describes something that did not happen purposely?
Thursday, July 14, 2011
A Must-Read Article - You Are What You Eat!
Remember as a kid we always heard, "you are what you eat." I didn't quite understand it until I was a little older. Dr. Mercola goes over many different food sources and why they might be bad for us - scary stuff! He also explains food "allergies." Personally, I think the term "allergy" is used too loosely. I didn't realize this until I found myself explaining that I am "allergic" to paint. One day I realized that we can't really be "allergic" to something toxic. We all just might react differently when exposed to a toxic chemical.
This article by Dr. Mercola is a must-read and the video is a must-see. Food, Inc. is also a good video to watch if you are truly interested in where your food is coming from.
This article by Dr. Mercola is a must-read and the video is a must-see. Food, Inc. is also a good video to watch if you are truly interested in where your food is coming from.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Donald Trump Interview WMUR - Sunday, May 1, 2011
I'll say this right up front - I am not a Donald Trump fan. Aside from not liking that he was divorced so many times, I had no opinion of him until a few years back when he and Rosie O'Donnell got into their head-to-head battle. Rosie called Donald a "snake-oil salesman" and Donald called Rosie "disgusting inside and out...a slob." All that name-calling caused me to lose respect for them both.
I feel I must voice my opinion on the interview with Donald Trump that aired on WMUR on Sunday, May 1, 2011. Mr. Trump was asked, when speaking of his possible presidential run, if he could really relate to the working-class people of New Hampshire. Mr. Trump answered that he didn't think he needed to sit down with two people here, two people there and that the people of New Hampshire are smart and could figure out things on their own.
The commentator said Mr. Trump had a lot to learn if he didn't think he had to sit down with the little guys in New Hampshire during a presidential campaign. Not to stick up for Donald Trump, but I don't think that is what he was saying. I, although maybe I'm naive, thought he was saying he didn't think he had to sit down and have lunch one-on-one with people in NH, for them to know he understood the issues of the little guy. I'm just sayin'....
I feel I must voice my opinion on the interview with Donald Trump that aired on WMUR on Sunday, May 1, 2011. Mr. Trump was asked, when speaking of his possible presidential run, if he could really relate to the working-class people of New Hampshire. Mr. Trump answered that he didn't think he needed to sit down with two people here, two people there and that the people of New Hampshire are smart and could figure out things on their own.
The commentator said Mr. Trump had a lot to learn if he didn't think he had to sit down with the little guys in New Hampshire during a presidential campaign. Not to stick up for Donald Trump, but I don't think that is what he was saying. I, although maybe I'm naive, thought he was saying he didn't think he had to sit down and have lunch one-on-one with people in NH, for them to know he understood the issues of the little guy. I'm just sayin'....
Monday, April 4, 2011
How to Find Your Old eHow Account
Log in to Your Old eHow Account Articles
It's hard to not only keep up with all the changes at eHow, but with changes at all Internet writing sites. If you found this article, you probably already know that Demand Media has taken over eHow. If you would like to write for eHow, you must now apply through Demand Media. I have several articles on eHow, but have not yet started writing through Demand Studios. Maybe I'll start today.
I recently tried to log on to my eHow account and found a Facebook login. It seems this has added some confusion to the site, at least for writers. If you are looking for your old eHow articles, go to this address Old eHow Account and log in. After entering your "username" and "password" on this page, you will be brought to your old eHow articles.
It's hard to not only keep up with all the changes at eHow, but with changes at all Internet writing sites. If you found this article, you probably already know that Demand Media has taken over eHow. If you would like to write for eHow, you must now apply through Demand Media. I have several articles on eHow, but have not yet started writing through Demand Studios. Maybe I'll start today.
I recently tried to log on to my eHow account and found a Facebook login. It seems this has added some confusion to the site, at least for writers. If you are looking for your old eHow articles, go to this address Old eHow Account and log in. After entering your "username" and "password" on this page, you will be brought to your old eHow articles.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Bob Parsons, CEO of Go Daddy, Shoots Elephant in Africa
By now this video of Mr. Bob Parsons, the CEO of Go Daddy, shooting an elephant in Zimbabwe has become quite popular. According to the ABC15 news reporter, “…this video has so many people outraged….” If you watch the video, it is mentioned that the "villagers butchered the elephant for its meat." What I absolutely hate, is hunters who hunt and do not eat their kill. Do people feel differently depending on what type of animal is killed? Would people be outraged if his proud kill was a 300-pound tuna?
Personally it does not thrill me to see ANY animal killed or butchered, and if I had to watch such a thing, I would definitely be a vegetarian. I think if elephants are truly overpopulated in Africa as Mr. Parsons states, they SHOULD be hunted. Would he have been able to obtain a permit if elephants were an endangered species in Zimbabwe? Overpopulation is one reason that we, here in the United States, have Fish and Game Departments – to control what is overrun and needs to be hunted. As I understand, Mr. Parsons did have a permit to shoot this elephant. If the meat of the elephant was not eaten, that would be an entirely different story. Would the reactions be the same if Mr. Parsons shot a deer or moose or are people only “outraged” because it is an elephant – an animal we like to visit at the zoo?
If you have ever taken a drive across Interstate 90 in Massachusetts or the Taconic in upper New York State you would know that area is overrun with deer. Every time I am in that vicinity, I wish there were less deer, and pray I don’t hit one with my car. Yes, deer are beautiful. I'm sure the people who hit them don't think they are so beautiful, especially when they get the bill from their auto body shop! It is a staggering amount of live ones and dead ones I see all over the sides of the highway.
Unfortunately for Mr. Parsons, he is a well-known CEO who, it appears, the media and PETA are trying to make into some sort of example. How many elephants have been shot in the past year in Africa and by whom? If John Doe shoots an elephant, does it make it into the media? What is your opinion? Are you outraged?
Personally it does not thrill me to see ANY animal killed or butchered, and if I had to watch such a thing, I would definitely be a vegetarian. I think if elephants are truly overpopulated in Africa as Mr. Parsons states, they SHOULD be hunted. Would he have been able to obtain a permit if elephants were an endangered species in Zimbabwe? Overpopulation is one reason that we, here in the United States, have Fish and Game Departments – to control what is overrun and needs to be hunted. As I understand, Mr. Parsons did have a permit to shoot this elephant. If the meat of the elephant was not eaten, that would be an entirely different story. Would the reactions be the same if Mr. Parsons shot a deer or moose or are people only “outraged” because it is an elephant – an animal we like to visit at the zoo?
If you have ever taken a drive across Interstate 90 in Massachusetts or the Taconic in upper New York State you would know that area is overrun with deer. Every time I am in that vicinity, I wish there were less deer, and pray I don’t hit one with my car. Yes, deer are beautiful. I'm sure the people who hit them don't think they are so beautiful, especially when they get the bill from their auto body shop! It is a staggering amount of live ones and dead ones I see all over the sides of the highway.
Unfortunately for Mr. Parsons, he is a well-known CEO who, it appears, the media and PETA are trying to make into some sort of example. How many elephants have been shot in the past year in Africa and by whom? If John Doe shoots an elephant, does it make it into the media? What is your opinion? Are you outraged?
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Charlie Sheen Parody - Bi-Winning (Official Song)
And this one is even funnier!!! Does Charlie have any idea what a dumba** he looks like? The sad part is, everyone is laughing at him and he seems to be totally clueless.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
One and a Half Men - Charlie Sheen
I am not so sure how Charlie Sheen figures that being fired from Two and a Half Men is "winning." I just heard this morning on GMA that Charlie was fired yesterday from Two and a Half Men for, among other reasons, his inability to perform including not remembering his lines. Still not seeing how that is "winning." Charlie - please stop saying you are "winning" when you CLEARLY are not!
Personally, I'm glad to hear he's been fired. I hope for the sake of the others on the show, actors and behind-the-scene workers, they replace Charlie rather than cancelling the show. They have a wonderful meld of actors that would be a shame to waste.
Aside from my car crash idea, another idea might be to replace him with a woman. The show would open with a hot, funny woman (although I don't know who, yet, maybe a previous girlfriend excluding Mia or Chelsea) knocking on the door at Charlie's Malibu beach-house. Alan answers the door and she proceeds to tell him Charlie died in a crash on the way back from Las Vegas. The prenuptual agreement she had Charlie sign gives her the Malibu house.
Personally, I'm glad to hear he's been fired. I hope for the sake of the others on the show, actors and behind-the-scene workers, they replace Charlie rather than cancelling the show. They have a wonderful meld of actors that would be a shame to waste.
Aside from my car crash idea, another idea might be to replace him with a woman. The show would open with a hot, funny woman (although I don't know who, yet, maybe a previous girlfriend excluding Mia or Chelsea) knocking on the door at Charlie's Malibu beach-house. Alan answers the door and she proceeds to tell him Charlie died in a crash on the way back from Las Vegas. The prenuptual agreement she had Charlie sign gives her the Malibu house.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Boycotting Two and a Half Men
It didn't bother me to know Charlie Sheen's character, Charlie Harper, on Two and a Half Men was a portrayal of Charlie Sheen in his real life - the drinker, the gambler, the womanizer. To find out the real Charlie Sheen is hateful, vindictive and wishes bad on everyone around him, well that does bother me.

Two and a Half Men has been one of my and my husband's favorite shows -- from watching reruns that we've probably seen at least three times each, to the new ones on Monday night. Two and a Half men was up there with Everybody Loves Raymond and Seinfeld in the comedy department. Who doesn't need a good laugh? I must say, though, it has lost something. Maybe it's just a carryover from the recent bad news involving Charlie Sheen. His father said, "If he had cancer, how would we treat him?..." I would hope if he had cancer, he would at least be trying to help himself by getting the (medical) help he needs.
By now, everyone has heard Charlie Sheen's rant. Personally, I am saddened as I listen to Charlie's rude comments, laced with such anger and arrogance. It is heartbreaking to hear anyone with such anger; but worse is his pompous, ostentatious attitude. I don’t like hearing comments like "contaminated little maggot” when they are directed at someone. What a disappointment to hear the real Charlie. Who does he think he is?
I will be officially boycotting Two and a Half Men, new or old. Sometimes I need to stand up for what is right; it is off my television watching list! Unless, of course, Charlie is replaced. How about this for a storyline: Alan places Charlie’s drunk, passed-out body in Alan’s car and pushes him off a cliff. The body is so mangled, everyone thinks it is Alan. Alan then gets a “Charlie” mask that he wears each day pretending to be Charlie. This would go along with the current storyline with Alan milking all his friends/relatives. Then I would watch the show again….and everyone lives happily ever after!
Would Two and a Half Men make it without Charlie Sheen? Probably not. Would I like to see it move on without Charlie Sheen? Definitely! Would I watch it if Charlie Sheen were not in it? Another, definitely! Would the ratings go down? Probably, if not definitely. I would watch it to make a point; Charlie Sheen is as dispensable as the rest of us!
During this boycott, I will enjoy such great comedies as Rules of Engagement, Big Bang Theory, Mike and Molly, How I Met Your Mother and The Defenders. Okay, I threw the last one in to see if you were paying attention. I believe it is billed as a drama, but it’s a good one and quite funny at times!
Two and a Half Men has been one of my and my husband's favorite shows -- from watching reruns that we've probably seen at least three times each, to the new ones on Monday night. Two and a Half men was up there with Everybody Loves Raymond and Seinfeld in the comedy department. Who doesn't need a good laugh? I must say, though, it has lost something. Maybe it's just a carryover from the recent bad news involving Charlie Sheen. His father said, "If he had cancer, how would we treat him?..." I would hope if he had cancer, he would at least be trying to help himself by getting the (medical) help he needs.
By now, everyone has heard Charlie Sheen's rant. Personally, I am saddened as I listen to Charlie's rude comments, laced with such anger and arrogance. It is heartbreaking to hear anyone with such anger; but worse is his pompous, ostentatious attitude. I don’t like hearing comments like "contaminated little maggot” when they are directed at someone. What a disappointment to hear the real Charlie. Who does he think he is?
I will be officially boycotting Two and a Half Men, new or old. Sometimes I need to stand up for what is right; it is off my television watching list! Unless, of course, Charlie is replaced. How about this for a storyline: Alan places Charlie’s drunk, passed-out body in Alan’s car and pushes him off a cliff. The body is so mangled, everyone thinks it is Alan. Alan then gets a “Charlie” mask that he wears each day pretending to be Charlie. This would go along with the current storyline with Alan milking all his friends/relatives. Then I would watch the show again….and everyone lives happily ever after!
Would Two and a Half Men make it without Charlie Sheen? Probably not. Would I like to see it move on without Charlie Sheen? Definitely! Would I watch it if Charlie Sheen were not in it? Another, definitely! Would the ratings go down? Probably, if not definitely. I would watch it to make a point; Charlie Sheen is as dispensable as the rest of us!
During this boycott, I will enjoy such great comedies as Rules of Engagement, Big Bang Theory, Mike and Molly, How I Met Your Mother and The Defenders. Okay, I threw the last one in to see if you were paying attention. I believe it is billed as a drama, but it’s a good one and quite funny at times!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Knitted Dish Cloths - How to
If you're looking for the pattern for those cotton, knitted dish cloths, you will find it here:
Knitting how to
Knitting how to
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Autisim in the News - Dr. Andrew Wakefield Accused of Fraud
According to CNN, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, a British physician, has been accused of an “elaborate fraud” linking child vaccines and autism. A report published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) states that Dr. Wakefield misrepresented or even altered the 12 medical histories of the patients included in his 1998 study. Dr. Wakefield said his work was “grossly distorted,” though it appears he may have distorted the data.
But here’s what I think: Just because a study was tainted doesn't mean vaccines are NOT to blame for autism. All those parents can’t be wrong and autism rates are growing at an alarming rate. Parents seem to think there is a strong correlation between autism and vaccines. Just because something can’t be proved, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist; I’ll give God for an example here.
I recently found I had MSG (monosodium glutamate) poisoning. (Yes poisoning, not an allergy, because man-made MSG is a toxin.) Suffering the negative consequences for days after consuming a reasonable amount (as in one Chinese restaurant meal), I’ve done a bit of research on MSG. I found it is in almost everything we purchase in the grocery store. Something to ponder that might be scarier - I found it has been used in vaccines: Babies, as we all know, can't detoxify like an addult. If I had a young child, I would have a hard time leaving him/her with a doctor and a vaccine-laden needle in the same room with my child.
Read more about Dr. Andrew Wakefield from CNN:
But here’s what I think: Just because a study was tainted doesn't mean vaccines are NOT to blame for autism. All those parents can’t be wrong and autism rates are growing at an alarming rate. Parents seem to think there is a strong correlation between autism and vaccines. Just because something can’t be proved, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist; I’ll give God for an example here.
I recently found I had MSG (monosodium glutamate) poisoning. (Yes poisoning, not an allergy, because man-made MSG is a toxin.) Suffering the negative consequences for days after consuming a reasonable amount (as in one Chinese restaurant meal), I’ve done a bit of research on MSG. I found it is in almost everything we purchase in the grocery store. Something to ponder that might be scarier - I found it has been used in vaccines: Babies, as we all know, can't detoxify like an addult. If I had a young child, I would have a hard time leaving him/her with a doctor and a vaccine-laden needle in the same room with my child.
Read more about Dr. Andrew Wakefield from CNN:
Ted Williams - Homeless Man With the Golden Voice
Today we've all heard the story about the homeless man whose YouTube video, seen by 11 million in 24 hours, has caused a sensation. Ted Williams, a father of nine, became homeless after losing his job due to drug and alcohol addiction. He is now two years clean and sober. After standing on the side of the road along with a sign asking for a job, a reporter from Columbus Dispatch happened upon Ted. He's now been offered many jobs. Ted, I'm sure you are an inspiration to many going through hard times in this bad economy. Congratulations Ted Williams and best of luck to you. (And Mrs. Williams - you look 70 not 90!)
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