Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Rattlesnake Story - Author Unknown

A friend of mine just told me this interesting "story":

A man was walking and came accross a rattlesnake.
The Rattlesnake said to him, "I'm cold. Can you please pick me up and put me in your coat?"
The Man said, "Oh, no, you are a rattlesnake, you will bite me."
The Rattlesnake said, "No, I will not bite you."
The Man said, "Yes you will."
The Rattlesnake said, "Please, I am cold. I promise I will not bite you."
The man picked up the rattlesnake, put him in his coat and the snake bit him!
The man said, "You promised you wouldn't bite me!"
The Rattlesnake said, "But I'm a rattlesnake, I do what rattlesnakes do."

Obviously the moral of this story is we need to be careful and discerning of what people say because they are not always looking to do good.

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