Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Rachael Welch

I've recently been seeing Rachael Welch in a sunglass commercial. She is an amazingly beautiful woman! It is disturbing though, that someone who is going to turn 70 this year looks to be around 50. Barbara Walters is in the same boat. If my math is correct, she will be turning 81 this year! Barbara doesn't look a day over 60. It would be nice if Hollywood would give aging gracefully some consideration so the rest of us would not look so bad! It is just wrong to not be able to be yourself and feel comfortable with gray hair, wrinkles and a little sagging -- especially at 80!

I just googled "stars who have not had plastic surgery" and this page came up Pop Crunch Celebrity Before and After . I wouldn't normally promote a page that gives us laughs at the expense of others, BUT the commentaries did make me LOL, especially the one under Val Kilmer's. I have to say, Jack Nicholson looked scary forty years ago and still looks scary today!

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