One of my biggest pet peeves is seeing people rinse their dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. With an emphasis on being "green" these days, why are people still rinsing their dishes? I've always had a hard time understanding this concept. Of course I, like most in my age group, was brought up being made to rinse dishes before putting in the dishwasher. The first time I bought my own dishwasher, I thought "Why am I rinsing them when a. the dishwasher has a "rinse" button, b. the dishes come clean even if I don't rinse them first and c. I spent all this $$$ on a dishwasher so I could rinse the dishes first? I might as well put soap on them, rinse them again and put them away." Have the people who rinse their dishes first ever thought about the amount of time and energy that is being wasted for absolutely no valid reason?
SUGGESTION #1 - 1. Take a rubber spatula, scrape the dishes and place them in dishwasher along with the spatula. 2. Once dishwasher is full, do a test by putting detergent in dishwasher and run dishwasher. 3. Check to see if dishes are clean.
OR (if above does not work)
SUGGESTION #2 - 1. Scrape food off dishes with rubber spatula and place in dishwasher. 2. Hit "rinse only" button. 3. Run dishwasher when full. 4. Check to see if dishes are clean.
SUGGESTION #3 - 1. Use paper napkin to wipe off dish (most of us use napkins when eating). 2. Throw away paper napkin. 3. Run dishwasher when full 4. Check to see if dishes are clean.
Please let me know how this works for you. With all that time and water you save, take a nice, long, relaxing bath at the end of the week!
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