Unfortunately, it's that time of year for ticks and those of us in the Northeast are at a high risk. I for one, cannot stand those little, discusting things -- my skin is crawling just writing this. I think it must be arachnophobia (yes, they are in the arachnid family).
I recently had a deer tick on me a couple years ago. Deer ticks are the nasty ones that transmit Lyme Disease. The second I saw it I freaked out. Luckily, my daughter was home to remove it for me. I'm surprised it didn't "wash" away with the sudden onset of sweat that poured off me.
Ironically, I didn't acquire this tick by working out in my yard. I acquired it by walking next door to my neighbor's on a windy day.
I did not get the bulls-eye rash like my husband did (in the picture), but I took the antibiotic as a precaution.
According to the CDC, the rash only occurs in "70-80% of infected persons". If you know you have been bit by a lyme-disease-transmitting tick, you may want to be aware of symptoms including headache, muscle or joint aches, fever, chills, fatigue, and swollen lymph nodes.
The rash in the picture was diagnosed by a doctor.
There is lots of information available on Lyme Disease at http://www.ilads.org/
UPDATE: I'm one of the lucky ones didn't take enough antibiotics and for a long enough time and Lyme Disease turned into Chronic Lyme Disease for me. Since my original infection that I don't know how/when I got, I've now had the "Lyme Flu," a couple times. I now know when it's the Lyme Flu vs. a regular old flu. We don't typically have flus in the summer - they typically start in the fall. Last summer I was, again, bit by a tick and three days later I became sick with a 'flu.' In the course of about three hours, I started with a scratchy, sore throat and was full-blown with migrating joint aches, that seemed more intense in my neck and knees, and a fever of 101 degrees. I felt awful, but since I had antibiotics I took them and by the next morning, I was able to function. This happened in June and then again after a bite in October. Both times, symptoms were lessened after taking antibiotics.
There is lots of information available on Lyme Disease at http://www.ilads.org/
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