Monday, September 17, 2012

Happy New Year!

While I was perusing Facebook this morning, I saw a nice Happy New Year post wishing good health, good cheer and blessings of love.  I thought, oh, how nice, then it sunk it that it said, "Happy New Year."  Being of Christian faith, I didn't realize the start of the Jewish New Year is today, September 17, 2012. Happy New Year!

This brought my thoughts back to last Christmas. Numerous Facebook posts and emails attempted to remind Christians that it's okay to wish people a Merry Christmas rather than "Happy Holidays."  The subject line of those posts/emails was "Say Merry Christmas."  There was never any mention that it is also okay to wish people Happy Chanukah, Happy Kwanzaa or any other religious holiday instead of "Happy Holidays."   I found myself feeling saddened and disturbed that many of my friends and relatives would feel their religion is the only religion. Or is it that their religion is the only right religion?

I would not intentionally send a Merry Christmas card to a Jewish friend or relative  during their Chanukah celebration.  Although I would be surprised to receive a "Happy Chanuka," card, I would not be offended.

I guess my point is: Yes, it is okay to drop the 'Happy Holidays,'  but please remember that Christianity isn't the only religion.  If you see me on the street this 2012 Holiday Season, you won't hear me say, Happy Holidays; you'll hear Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy  Chanukah,  and you just might hear me say, Happy Festivus or Happy Chrismahanukwanzadan!  That is, of course, if I can figure out how to pronounce Chrismahanukwanzadan!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Chick-fil-A, Gays and Bo Muller-Moore

Who is Bo Muller-Moore you ask?  I'll get to that in a second...

Honestly, I think Chick-fil-A, or any other business, should have the right to support any group they want; you and I should also have the right to be a customer of or boycott an establishment.  From my point of view, eating at Chick-fil-A on August 1, 2012 is an endorsement of their anti-gay marriage stand and their put-the-little-guy-out-of-business tactics.  Personally I've never eaten at a Chick-fil-A, and I can assure you I will not be eating there - especially on August 1, 2012.  I would personally like to see this "Chick-fil-A appreciation day" turn into a "Chick-fil-A boycott day."

Gay marriage proponents are looking for equal rights.  Approval or disapproval of homosexuality isn't the issue.  When a commitment is made between two people of the same sex, isn't it only right to give them the same legal rights of those who make a commitment between a man and a woman? Last time I checked, the Christian way is to not judge and to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you."  Let us remember it wasn't all that long ago that women and blacks were asking for the same thing - to be treated equally.

And while we're on the subject of Chick-fil-A, did you know they've put numerous small businesses out of business claiming trademark infringement?  Bo Muller-Moore, who makes T-Shirts in Vermont, was served a cease and desist letter by Chick-fil-A for his slogan "Eat More Kale."  Chick-fil-A thinks his slogan is too close to their "Eat Mor Chikin."  Huh???  You would have to be a complete moron to think that kale and 'chikin' are even remotely related - especially when comparing kale to fast-food chicken!  And if someone wants to trademark "Eat More" shouldn't they at least be required to spell 'more' (or chicken) correctly???  Bo, the little guy, decided to fight - good for him! Someone needs to stand up to corporate bullying.  Chick-fil-A has already put over 30 companies out of business for trying to use "Eat more...."

According to William Kruidenir, Mars, the candy company, has joined in the fight with their new slogan, "Eat more broccoli."  Yah!!!  It will be interesting to see how it plays out for a company that is much bigger than Chick-fil-A to use the 'eat more' slogan!

If you don't want to boycott Chik-Fil-A on August 1, 2012 because "the bible says marriage is between a man and a woman," at least boycott them because they use their size to pick on the little guys!

Galatians 5:14 For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."

Friday, April 27, 2012

Worst Boyfriend Ever and Ranger Crying Kid

I really must stop watching the news!

What was Good Morning America thinking when they invited "the worst boyfriend ever" to their set???  In case you haven't heard, this kid put on a ski mask, went into his girlfriend's apartment and waited for her to come home with her friends.  He stepped out of her closet making her think it was an intruder.  What he did was wrong.  Sorry, GMA, but by inviting him onto your set, you are condoning what he did!

And while I'm on the subject...the little toddler that cried because he didn't catch the baseball at the Ranger's baseball game:

1.  It looks to me like the kid was crying before the ball even left the pitcher's hand.
2.  Why would anyone think they should give in to a crying kid?????

3.  So what if the kid was crying.  I was SO disappointed to see a Ranger throw him a ball. Nice going - further reinforcement that if you cry you get what you want!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Dara-Lynn Weiss and her 7-year-old Daughter

Kudos to Dara-Lynn Weiss for putting her clinically obese 7-year-old daughter on a weight-loss diet!!!  I have not read her book, Red Light, Green Light, Eat Right, nor do I know what type of diet this child was eating.  If only more people would pay attention, I mean TRULY pay attention to what they and their children are eating, we would have less disease and obesity in this country.  There are many healthy choices that, when on a weight-loss diet, you can actually say, "Is this really okay to eat?" because it tastes sinfully delicious!  Losing weight shouldn't be about deprivation, it should be about giving the body the nutrition it needs.

Putting an overweight child on a strict diet IS the DUTY of a parent.  A seven-year-old should never become obese in the first place; sorry, but I have to blame the parent, not the child.  Unless a child has some sort of disease that causes weight gain, more than likely, the wrong foods are the culprit.  Most 7-year-old children do not have an income to purchase the household groceries.  If only healthy, wholesome foods are in a child's home, they have no choice but to eat them and yes, the parent probably has a weight issue, too.  "Healthy, wholesome foods" are key words.  This country has been seriously brainwashed as to what foods are healthy.

The word diet bothers me.  We as a society have misconstrued this word to mean "how we eat to lose weight."  By definition it means 'what our daily food consists of.'  i.e. "What is on your diet for today?"  We can go on a weight-loss diet, or a cleansing diet or a healthy-eating diet, but 'diet' has unfortunately become synonymous with 'weight loss.'

Eating healthily should be something that comes naturally to children as parents present only healthy choices.  I only wish I had been educated on eating healthily instead of having been brainwashed when my daughter was young.  Today when I see an advertisement for multi-grain potato chips, I shake my head and say, "Why would a grain be added to a potato since vegetables are a healthier choice than grains?" Then I say, "ahhh, but IS A POTATO STILL A POTATO and IS A POTATO STILL A VEGETABLE????"